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pagination problem
i tried to implement coding (refer to how to create a pagination in php) in my page, to show some products. Here the case : if the number my products from a category, less then the number of perpage (in your coding written as $perpage = xx; in each page), in my webpage, the pagination will display like this 1 2 Next, when i clik 2, the page is empty. It should no pagination in that pay.why it can happened?..thank for your help
Started: September 22, 2011 Latest Activity: December 19, 2018 pagination
2 Answers
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Posted: Jeadyelty
In: December 19, 2018

the pagination has one purose is to show the pages only, to show the products you have to make something like:
	$sql = @mysql_query("select * FROM `products` order by id desc LIMIT $startpoint,$perpage");

while($Row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
	//your code

Posted: MacOS
In: September 22, 2011

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