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Create Awesome PHP/MYSQL Pagination
Hey, You have great site, thanx for all.

I have problem with Create Awesome PHP/MYSQL Pagination.
I have site where I have 3 collumns ( in css), I want to add 3 records for each.
Is it possible??
I can't english co I add picture if You don't understand sth.

Started: October 2, 2011 Latest Activity: October 8, 2011 pagination

Give me the codes you already achieved to determine which method we will use (css float or just tables and break)
October 3, 2011

2 Answers
Thanx.I know now how to edit it.

Posted: dennykr
In: October 8, 2011

if you want to use one table and start new line after 3 values use:
<table width="100%">
    <?php $i = 0;?>
    	foreach (range(1,9) as $value){
        <?php $i++;?> 
                    <?php echo $value;?>
    	if (($i % 3) == 0){
            echo '</tr><tr>';

Posted: Dina
In: October 2, 2011

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