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jQuery Live Search Plugins
A live search is a search form that displays the results for your search / query as you type (just like what you see when you search on Google and the like). When done right, they can be exceptionally nice to use. Here is our collection of exceptionally nice to use jQuery Search plugins… have fun!

Instant Search JQuery Plugin for SearchBlox

This plugin makes it easy to change your ordinary search page into an instant search page with autocomplete.

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jQuery Plugin for On-demand Search Box.

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Live Search

Use this plug-in to turn a normal form-input in to a live ajax search widget. The plug-in displays any HTML you like in the results and the search-results are updated live as the user types.

Source + Demo


This is a jQuery plugin that turns any textbox into a live search, or a “searchbox”.

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jQuery LiveSearch

It now accepts any jQuery selector. All state is stored in simple variables and accessed via closures, as opposed to as properties of an instance object.

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June 1, 2013 jQuery CSS