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Login system and commenting system
I was looking for a commenting system for visitors to post messages after logging to my website using their facebook , google or twitter accounts and found your ajax system then after logging in on this website with my facebook account I realized that you have implemented on this website exactly what I want to accomplish for my website.
Is there any way you could share some code or maybe a tutorial about how to implement such a login system along with the commenting system or is it "NASA" secret?
Started: September 27, 2011 Latest Activity: September 27, 2011 commenting login
1 Answer
Hello Radu,
The simplest way to make users comment using facebook is "Facebook Comments" it is a social plugin that enables user commenting on your site. Features include moderation tools and distribution

Posted: MacOS
In: September 27, 2011

Edited: MacOS
In: September 27, 2011

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