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How to iterate though the array?
i have this problem.. im doing some kind of late static binding. im really a new to this and don\'t know how to solve this problem. please help me to solve it...
What i want to do is instead of using static:: $arr[0].\",\".static:: $arr[1] i want to iterate though the array.. i tried using a foreach loop but it doesn\'t work.. i don\'t understand why.. i will really appreciate if someone demonstrate a code to do this in a better way.
this is my code.
class MainModel {

    public static function create($custArray){
    global $connection;
        $query = \"INSERT INTO \".static::$tblname.\"(\";
        $query.=static:: $arr[0].\",\".static:: $arr[1];
        $query.=\") VALUES (\'\".$custArray[\'name\'].\"\',\'\".$custArray[\'details\'].\"\')\";
    if(mysql_query($query) > 0){
        return true;
        return false;
class ChildModel extends MainModel{

protected static $tblname = \'test\';
protected static $arr = array(\'name\',\'details\');


//here im calling the method.. just for testing..

echo(\"its working! \");
echo(\"its not working! \".mysql_error());
Started: September 16, 2011 Latest Activity: September 16, 2011 php mysql array static
2 Answers
Thanx a lot for your answer.. now i'm thinking about using, mysql_real_escape_string() for this query. is there a way i can use it within this???

Posted: virangya
In: September 16, 2011

first you cant get the static by static::$var you should use self::$var
and second the ChildModel has no useful
now see this code you can use unlimited values
class MainModel {
protected static $tblname = 'test';

    public static function create($custArray){
    global $connection;
        $insert = "INSERT INTO ".self::$tblname." SET ";
            foreach ($custArray as $key => $value) {
                $sets[] = "`$key` = '$value'";	
            $query = $insert.implode(",",$sets);       
        return true;
        return false;

//here im calling the method.. just for testing..
    echo("its working! ");
    echo("its not working! ".mysql_error());

Posted: MacOS
In: September 16, 2011

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