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ignoring the valuse AUTO_INCREMENT in my table sql have a effect?
Hello !
please is ignoring the valuse AUTO_INCREMENT in my table sql have a effect to my current content ?
thanks !!!
Started: September 19, 2011 Latest Activity: September 19, 2011 php sql
1 Answer
No, it won't. An AUTO_INCREMENT will keep a counter so that you can INSERT a row without specifying a value for that column.

If you ignore the AUTO_INCREMENT and do explicitly state a value for the column, the counter will be updated. The next insert without explicit value will take the previous insert into account - you don't risk a duplicate value.


Create the table:

CREATE TABLE `counter` (
  `1` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`1`)
Insert a row, without stating the value:
INSERT INTO `test`.`counter` (`1` ) VALUES (NULL);
There will now be one row, with value 1. Insert another row, without stating the value:
INSERT INTO `test`.`counter` (`1` ) VALUES (NULL);
There will now be two rows, 1 and 2. Insert a row while explicitly stating the value:
INSERT INTO `test`.`counter` (`1` ) VALUES ('8');
You will now have three rows, 1, 2, 8 Now insert another row without stating the value:
INSERT INTO `test`.`counter` (`1` ) VALUES (NULL);
The new row will not have value 3 or 4, but the correct value 9:
SELECT * FROM `counter`;


Posted: MacOS
In: September 19, 2011

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