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Complete Pagination
Hi, i'm working on a pagination gallery...

But i have one problem, i can't seperate the images :S

Can someone help me?


if($page == "all"){
	$page_number = 1;
	// how many records per page
	$size = 8;
	// we get the current page from $_GET
	if (isset($_GET['page'])){
		$page_number = (int) $_GET['page'];

	$result_images=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM  album_lang WHERE lang='".$current_lang."'");
	$result_content=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM album_images_lang WHERE lang='".$current_lang."' AND visivel=1 ");
	$total_records = mysql_num_rows($result_content);
	$result_imagens=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM album_images WHERE id='".$total_records['id_image']."' AND visivel=1");
	// create the pagination class
	$pagination = new Pagination();

	$result_content=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM album_lang WHERE titulo='' AND lang='$current_lang' AND visivel=1 " . $pagination->getLimitSql());
	$navigation = $pagination->create_links();


	if(isset($clean_url[3]) && $clean_url != ""){
		$product = $clean_url[3];
		$result_content=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM album_lang WHERE titulo='".$clean_url[2]."' AND lang='$current_lang' AND visivel=1");

		$page_number = 1;
		// how many records per page
		$size = 8;
		// we get the current page from $_GET
		if (isset($_GET['page'])){
			$page_number = (int) $_GET['page'];
		$result_content=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM album_images WHERE visivel=1");
		$total_records = mysql_num_rows($result_content);

		// create the pagination class
		$pagination = new Pagination();

		$result_content=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM album WHERE id='".$tax_id."' AND lang='$current_lang' AND visivel=1 " . $pagination->getLimitSql());

		$navigation = $pagination->create_links();
$num_rows_content = mysql_num_rows($result_content);
$conta_rows_content = 1;
$content = "";

if($num_rows_content > 0 || $page == "all"){
	echo '<div class="content" id="page">
					<div class="container">
						<div class="interior_page" style="border-bottom:0px;">';
							if($page == "all"){
								if(isset($clean_url[3]) && $clean_url != ""){
									$pageTitle = $row_content->titulo;
									$result_tax_titulo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `album_images` WHERE visivel=1 LIMIT 0,1");
									$row_tax_titulo = mysql_fetch_object($result_tax_titulo);
									$pageTitle = $row_tax_titulo->title;
							echo '<div id="menu_produtos">';
							echo '</div>';
							if($num_rows_content > 1 || !isset($clean_url[3])){
								//Se existir mais que um produto apresenta a listagem de todos os existentes
								echo '<div id="products">';
									echo "<h1 class='title'>".$pageTitle."</h1>";
									echo '<div class="produts_list">';
									$count_products = 1;
							//////////   IMAGENS TODAS   ////////////
										$sel_imagem="SELECT * FROM album_images ORDER BY id";
										$imagem=mysql_query($sel_imagem, $con);
										<table width="100%">
											while ($linha = mysql_fetch_assoc($imagem))
												if ($i==0) 
													echo '<tr>'; 
												echo '<td>';
												echo '<table><tr><td><img src="'.$linha['imagem'].'" width="150px" height="150px"></td></tr>';
												echo '<tr><td align="center"></td></tr></table>';
												echo '</td>';
												if ($i==4) 
								/////////   IMAGENS P/ CATEG   /////////
											$sel_img_cat="SELECT * FROM album_lang";
											$img_cat=mysql_query($sel_img_cat, $con);
											echo 'HELL YEAH';
									/* Paginação */
									echo '<div class="clearfloat"></div>'; 
									echo $navigation; // will draw our page navigation
									echo '<div class="clearfloat"></div>'; 
									echo '</div>';
								echo '</div>';
							echo '<div class="clearfloat"></div>'; 
						echo  '</div>
				<div class="clearfloat"></div>';
	echo  '</div>
	header("Status: 404 Not Found");
	header( "Location: ".$url."/".$current_lang."/pages/error/404" );


Thank you,
Started: June 13, 2012 Latest Activity: June 13, 2012 paginatio php
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