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a very simple vote up/down with jquery
Can someone please help me with a very simple vote up/down system using jquery/php/myadmin. There are two div's "up" and "down" and there is number of votes for each in front of each div.
A person can click on "up" or "down" div and it updates the number with jquery and show it on the page, as shown in the image below.
Started: September 22, 2011 Latest Activity: September 22, 2011 jqueryvoting
1 Answer
do you mean something like this:Reddit-style Voting
the Tutorial link

Posted: illiana
In: September 22, 2011

Yes. Almost same thing. However I want to make a few changes in it. I want that it displays separately vote up and vote down instead of showing net votes. and After you have vote, it should still show the thumbs with separate number of vote up and vote down. I have downloaded the script and tried to made changes in it but it does not work. can you please help me making the changes in it? thanks.
September 22, 2011

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