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[Edit] Money format to readable text


echo numtotext(1354.20); 
function numtotext($num) 
    $tdiv = array("cents ","dollars and ","hundred ","thousand ", "hundred ", 
	"million ", "hundred ","billion ");
    $divs = array( 0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
    $pos = 0; // index into tdiv;
    //make num a string, and reverse it, because we run through it backwards
    $answer = ""; // build it up from here
    while (strlen($num)) {
    if ( strlen($num) == 1 || ($pos >2 && $pos % 2 == 1))  {
	$answer = doone(substr($num,0,1)) . $answer;
        $num= substr($num,1);
    else {
	$answer = dotwo(substr($num,0,2)) . $answer;
	$num= substr($num,2);
	if ($pos < 2)
    if (substr($num,0,1) == '.') {
	if (! strlen($answer))
		$answer = "zero ";
	$answer = "dollars and " . $answer . "cents";
	$num= substr($num,1);
	// put in "zero" dollars if there are none
	if (strlen($num) == 1 && $num == '0') {
		$answer = "zero " . $answer;
		$num= substr($num,1);
    // add separator
    if ($pos >= 2 && strlen($num)) {
	if (substr($num,0,1) != 0  || (strlen($num) >1 && substr($num,1,1) != 0
		&& $pos %2 == 1)  ) {
		// check for missed millions and thousands when doing hundreds
		if ( $pos == 4 || $pos == 6 ) {
			if ($divs[$pos -1] == 0)
				$answer = $tdiv[$pos -1 ] . $answer;
		// standard
		$divs[$pos] = 1;
		$answer = $tdiv[$pos++] . $answer;
 	else {
    return $answer;

function doone($onestr) 
    $tsingle = array("","one ","two ","three ","four ","five ",
	"six ","seven ","eight ","nine ");

    return $tsingle[$onestr] . $answer;

function dotwo($twostr) 
    $tdouble = array("","ten ","twenty ","thirty ","fourty ","fifty ",
	"sixty ","seventy ","eighty ","ninety ");
    $teen = array("ten ","eleven ","twelve ","thirteen ","fourteen ","fifteen ",
	"sixteen ","seventeen ","eighteen ","nineteen ");

    if ( substr($twostr,1,1) == '0') {
	$ret = doone(substr($twostr,0,1));
    else if (substr($twostr,1,1) == '1') {
	$ret = $teen[substr($twostr,0,1)];
    else {
	$ret = $tdouble[substr($twostr,1,1)] . doone(substr($twostr,0,1));
    return $ret;