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google chart caching
I\'m calling my php script that generates the google chart (POST method) and has this code to output the image (the page is set to png output):
$context = stream_context_create(
array(\'http\' => array(
\'method\' => \'POST\',
\'content\' => http_build_query($chart))));
fpassthru(fopen($url, \'r\', false, $context));
I call the script as an image (...img src=\"gchart.php?.....)

All works fine, but i\'d like to cache the results of the above, how can i capture the output of post request and store as png file?
Started: September 17, 2011 Latest Activity: September 17, 2011 charts
1 Answer
you can use this cache system
how i can use?
<img src=\"chart_cache.php?config=simple\" width=\"250\" height=\"100\">
The single parameter, \"simple\" refers to the filename of the configuration file you want to use (excluding path and file extension). Configuration files are simply sets of key/value pairs corresponding to the GET parameters passed to Google Charts plus a couple of special properties which define caching characteristics. Here\'s an example:
  # simple chart
 expiry = 300
 cht = p3
 chd = s:hW
 chs = 250x100
 chl = Hello|World

Posted: MacOS
In: September 17, 2011

Does this use the GET or POST request method for google charts?
September 17, 2011

the job of that code depend on curl lib
September 17, 2011

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